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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question: Why Paintball?

    • Answer: I have been playing paintball for over 15 years, and it is something that I know very well. It is also unique in that it brings together people from all walks of life. And what better way is there to meet new people and break the ice than to play high speed tag with paintballs?!

  • Question: Do you have to be religious to join us?

    • Answer: No. This isn't an exclusively Christian group.​ However, we do ask that you respect the beliefs of others in the group.

  • Question: What kind of commitments of time and money are involved?

    • Answer: None. Everyone is free to come and play with us as often or as little as they like. And playing is not even required. If you just want to come and hang out with us at the field, you are welcome to do that as well!

  • Question: Is it expensive to play?

    • Answer: ​It is usually around $75 per person to play. Prices do vary from field to field, but that is a good number to base off of.

Have a question that wasn't answered here? Feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to help!

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