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About Genesis

Genesis Paintball was created for a number of reasons: to help people grow in their faith outside of the walls of the church, to bring together people who want to help others, and to provide a setting for those in need to come and feel supported.

The church can be an overwhelming, and sometimes intimidating place. There are just as many stories about feeling uncomfortable ,and even judged, as there are stories about feeling welcomed and belonging. While church is a wonderful place to grow, it may not be for everyone at different points in their journey in faith. One of the missions for Genesis is to give another option for those who may have had a bad church experience or don’t know where to get started. A place to grow at your own pace, without pressure.

Another reason for the creation of Genesis is to provide a positive and supportive place for people to escape from the real world for a little while. Let’s face it, life is tough sometimes. Work is stressful, the news and social media are full of negativity, and even home can be a source of frustration with bills and maintenance. We all just need a place to go for encouragement occasionally. Not just to be told, “Everything is going to work out,” and, “You are going to be taken care of,” but to see it work out in others’ lives and to hear their testimonies of overcoming obstacles.

But why paintball? Well for starters, paintball is just plain fun! And it’s also very safe, as long as the proper safety precautions are followed. Paintball is somewhat unique in that basically anyone can play, and even compete, together. It can bring together kids as young as 10 to adults into their 70’s, the college student just barely scraping by to the well-off businessman, even those bound to a wheelchair and the hearing impaired. It can bring together people from all walks of life, and give an opportunity to meet someone that you may have never met otherwise.

So if you’re looking for a stepping stone in your faith, an escape from the real world for a day, or just to enjoy a day of paintball with a great group of people, come and join us. There’s no commitment required. If you’re just needing prayer or encouragement and can’t make it to one of our paintball days, please contact us anyway. We want to help in any way that we can.

God Bless,

Clay Almonrode

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